Smowtion TATTO STYLES MODERAT: This Isn't Goodbye, It's Just See You SOON!
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Monday, April 23, 2012

This Isn't Goodbye, It's Just See You SOON!

So with the school ending, and of course the summer fast approaching, of course I'm over the moon excited about it! But I can't help but see it as a bittersweet arrival, I've waited all year for it to be over, but of course, 8 of my favorite people are graduating. Which is really upsetting. Naturally since high school I have realized that my favorite people seem to graduate when I'm sophomore. So there's just enough time to spend with them, that makes them very influential in my life, but not enough so that I don't take this event as a catastrophe. Graduating is such an exciting time! And terrifying all at the same time. And with them graduating, it shows that college truly does have a shelf life. I was and still am upset that high school is over (yeah, go ahead and judge) but to think that there is gonna be a time when college is over, and I'm going to be expected to be a legitimate adult. Now that is terrifying! I've yet to come to terms with my high school graduation, I'm just gonna be in denial when 2014 comes around, I may just have to become a professional student!

Anyways, of course, 7 out of the 8 seniors are sisters. I'm so very happy that I got to know them and spend time with them, but I've really sad that it wasn't much time. And some may say why are you sad, and I'd answer that I'm not just sad for myself but for others, cause I can see how their involvement has touched my other sisters and how much their absence will be felt. And all I can hope for with my membership in Alpha Gamma Delta is that when my time comes that I've impacted someone's left the way my fleeting time with them has colored my experience and my goals for my life. I hope to one day to have the same grace and poise as all of them!

Lifelong Chum

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