Smowtion TATTO STYLES MODERAT: Skin Health
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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Skin Health

PROFIT AND LOSS HAVE A TATTOO Wednesday, 03/03/2010 18:00 pm Vera Farah Bararah - detikHealth Jakarta, There are various risks that can be generated if a tattoo. Should think carefully before deciding to tattooing the body with any picture in order not to regret later. If it was only men who dared to present his body tattooed women were not afraid to decorate the body with tattoos in inconspicuous places such as the neck, abdomen or arm. Tattooing is one art form inherent in the body forever, until now no single technique that can remove the tattoo completely.
I have found no cases of tattoo cause serious illness. Worst effects are felt only irritation. While the risk of infection can occur when tattooing because of unsterilized needles or inks used contain harmful substances. As quoted from Hubpages, Wednesday (3/3/2010), there are some advantages and disadvantages of having a permanent tattoo, namely:
Losses have a permanent tattoo 1. The pain must be felt by a person when making a tattoo because its manufacture using a needle containing the ink according to the desired color. 2. The high costs to get a tattoo. 3. Are permanent so it can not be removed easily, if you want to delete it does not always work 100 percent and the price is very expensive. 4. After years of color can fade or emerging fault lines of the drawing. 5. Fashion and trends are always changing, it could be now the picture is the trend but it could be a few years old. 6. Maybe the tattoo will look attractive at the age of 20 years, but it would be unusual after the age of 50 years old. 7. There is a risk of infection from any tattooing, such as from non-sterile needles or inks used contain harmful substances.
The advantage of having a permanent tattoo 1. Tattoos can express a personal, artistic or meaningful messages for the owner of the body. 2. There is a certain satisfaction if you have something different to the others. 3. Tattoos can be a characteristic of a person.
Dr. Roy Geronemus, director of the Laser & Skin Surgery Center in New York tells us there are several ways you can do to remove the tattoo on the body such as using a laser beam, applying cream to the existing body tattoo, excision technique (removing the entire tattoo and skin layers underneath until leaving prominent scars) and dermabrasion (removing the skin layer by means such as sanding, but can damage the skin).
Until now, the laser technique is more effective than other methods, but skin color can also be a critical success factor. Because the laser works by distinguishing between skin color and the color of the tattoo, if there is not much difference then it is difficult to remove tattoos. "There is a risk of scarring or loss of natural pigment in your skin if using a laser technique, especially for people who have dark skin. The average takes several treatments to get rid of," Geronemus said. So think carefully before deciding to tattooing in order not to regret later.
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Number of posts: 11,011 Age: 52 Location: Jakarta Registration date: 2008-09-30

PostSubject: Re: Skin Health Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:09 pm WHY MANY LIKES TATTOO? Monday, August 2, 2010 | 13:56 pm - Art decorate the body, such as tattoos and piercings, is predicted to continue to be popular. When the first two acts are used as a statement of identity, has tattoos and piercings have become part of fashion. Actual practice of tattooing or body merajah has existed since thousands of years ago. Ancient art was once more associated with cult and religion and social status or power. In India, how to decorate the body using henna powder is made from the shrub Lawsonia inermis has thousands of years old and is still practiced to this day in religious ceremonies.
The Dayak Iban in West Kalimantan also wore tattoos as a marker of the clan and repellent all sorts of dangers and diseases. Therefore, the tattoo tradition can not be done haphazardly. Necessary rituals before having a tattoo. Meanwhile, a tattoo on the body are hidden initially practiced the British nobility after the voyage to the south. Then, it replicated the tattooing tattooist who opened a practice near the harbor. Therefore, for hundreds of years, the tattoo "degenerate" because it is more widely used by sex workers komerisal and criminal circles.
In this modern era, when the popularity of tattoos and piercings reached after hundreds of years back as if attached to the image of the criminal, the art of decorating the body is more associated with the image of beauty to be more exotic, a means of expression of innermost feelings, and also just a trend. However, before you decide to harass your skin with a tattoo needle, carefully consider the purpose and reasons of health. Make sure the needles used are sterile. Do not simply because of aesthetic reasons, for example, like the motif or color, you immediately decide to make a tattoo. The reason, is not easy to remove tattoos. At least, the tattoo that you solder in your skin has a meaning.
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Number of posts: 11,011 Age: 52 Location: Jakarta Registration date: 2008-09-30

PostSubject: Re: Skin Health Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:10 pm HISTORY OF TATTOO Saturday, 12 June 2010 - Seputar Indonesia HISTORY records, tattoos and body piercing has become part of the culture in many countries since several centuries ago. The ancient Egyptians had tattoos since 2000 years before Christ. Tattooing in Japan there are already about 10,000 years ago in the days Palaelotikum. In ancient Roman culture, earrings mounted on the woman's chest as a symbol of strength. So also with the Dayak tribes of Indians Indonesia.Sementara Karafa using thin bamboo on the lips similar to some tribes in Africa. First, two things are applied for various purposes, among others, indicate social status, religious symbol, a symbol of courage, fertility, and a sign of love. In Indonesia, the legend of tattoos comes from the Kayan tribe, Borneo (Kalimantan), as the most modern at that time.
Based on the book The World of Tattoo essay Hesselt Maarten van Dinter, Indonesia placed as a country that plays a role in the development history of tattoos. In his book, the history of tattoos from Indonesia is described in a separate chapter. History records, style tattoos in Indonesia became world famous because of the influence of tribalism yang populer.Umumnya new styles, tattoos in Indonesia is used as one of the rituals ibadah.Ini occurred in Borneo and the Mentawai tribe, Sumatra. Each region has different characteristics. In Borneo, Kalimantan, for example, especially the youth who work as soldiers use binatang.Biasanya tattoo pictures tiger, crocodile, and scorpion.
Gusti Gusti owner of Body Art in Kemang, South Jakarta, said, "If we want to talk about the tattoo, we will never forget Indonesia. Indonesia can be regarded as a country that popularized the development of the tattoo in the world. "Gusti added, in the United States, the government is very concerned about the development of the tattoo. "They think ahead because the tattoos are a culture that must be protected. Meanwhile, if in Indonesia, tattoo image is already bad, so people also do not care, "he said. Even so, Gusti never again surrender to popularize tattoos in Indonesia.
"My job as a tattoo artist was able to protect national culture," katanya.Dia also mentioned, every month did not get a fixed income. "Work like this can sometimes be large or small. At least, on average a month I receive approximately Rp 3 million, "he explained. (Sali)
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Number of posts: 11,011 Age: 52 Location: Jakarta Registration date: 2008-09-30

PostSubject: Re: Skin Health Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:13 pm HOW TO REMOVING TATTOO? Wednesday, 25/11/2009 16:33 pm Vera Farah Bararah - detikHealth Jakarta, If you want to have a tattoo, then consider carefully that you really want to have it. Because until now there is no technique to remove tattoos are completely safe for the skin. According to a survey contained in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found 24 percent of people aged 18 to 50 who have tattoos and 17 percent of them wanted to remove the tattoo from his body.
Tattoos are permanent attached to the body, the chances of success to remove the tattoo depends on the color of skin, a substance used to make tattoos and size. These are techniques that can be used to remove tattoos, as quoted from the Health, on Wednesday (25/11/2009):
1. Surgical technique. If surgery is generally leave a scar. The skin around the tattoo will be removed and the skin around it will be sewn back, resulting in stitches in the body.
2. Mechanical dermabrasion or sand the skin layer. One part of dermabrasion is salabrasi, namely by rubbing salt solution on the skin with a little warm. This method can remove the tattoo but the scars tend to be left in the skin.
3. Mechanical scarification. This technique uses a chemical to remove the top layer of skin, usually the solution used is an acid solution and cause scars.
4. Cryosurgery or cryotherapy. This procedure is by burning the skin with tattoos and cool with liquid nitrogen, this method is generally used to remove warts or sores on the skin.
5. Laser technique. This technique is most often used in recent years. Using a beam of light contrast between skin color and ink, continuous beam will break up the ink particles and small particles will be absorbed into the body. "Until now, this technique using a laser tattoo removal is the most well compared with other methods," says Paul Jarrod Frank, MD, director of the Dermatology Surgery and Laser Center in New York.
Although currently sold many different kinds of creams that claim to remove and diminish the tattoo, but the food and drug regulatory agency does not recommend the American people to use it. "The chemicals contained in the cream is very active, so that it can cause irritation and skin scrape," said Frank. Various methods for removing tattoos is very susceptible to trigger allergies or irritation in the skin and leave scars, especially in people who have very high sensitivity. For that you should consider carefully whether you really want a tattoo or not, so as not to regret later.
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Number of posts: 11,011 Age: 52 Location: Jakarta Registration date: 2008-09-30

PostSubject: Re: Skin Health Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:13 pm CAUSE stubborn TATTOO Wednesday, 08/18/2010 11:15 pm Merry Wahyuningsih - detikHealth Jakarta, There are several techniques that is claimed to remove tattoos in the skin, but in fact the tattoo can not just disappear without leaving a trace. Why a tattoo can be durable for decades and it is difficult eliminated entirely? Quoted from eHow, Wednesday (08/18/2010), permanent tattoos are so difficult to remove from skin. One was because tattoos have to inject ink into the skin layer called the dermis, the layer of skin below the epidermis.
When still in the epidermal layer of the tattoo can be removed, but tattooing is injected into the deepest skin layers. When viewed from the layers, the top layer of skin called the epidermis. In this layer consists of five layers, namely the stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum and stratum corneum.
Two of the top layer, ie stratum lucidum and stratum corneum, is flat and dry skin cells, waterproof and serves to protect the skin. Cells and peel the skin will change starting in the stratum basale to the surface of the skin in a month. Well, because it aims to create lasting images, eventually drawing the tattoo must be injected more deeply penetrating the epidermal layer. Not finished just there, there are other effects if the skin layer in 'torn apart'.
Tattoo ink injection in this skin layer will trigger an immune system (immune) body, which ironically would make the tattoo stuck on the skin longer. The cells in the skin that attack foreign substances called phagocytes or phagocytes (eating cells). Eater cells will engulf and consume the ink particles. Then, fibroblasts (cells that produce collagen) will lock the phagocytes with the tissue under the skin, just below the epidermis that meet the dermis, approximately 1 millimeter from the surface of the skin. This allows the ink in the skin layer over the years.
Reporting from Medic8, there are several more reasons that make difficult to remove a tattoo is a tattoo that used color and skin color of the tattooed person. Tattoo colors such as black, green and brown would be more easily removed than the red, orange and white. And a tattoo of one color like black or blue is much easier to remove. For skin color, people with darker skin color will be more difficult to remove a tattoo than people with lighter skin color. In the dark there is a risk of skin scarring or loss of natural skin pigment, although done using a laser technique.
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Number of posts: 11,011 Age: 52 Location: Jakarta Registration date: 2008-09-30

PostSubject: Re: Healthy Skin Sun Aug 22, 2010 9:40 pm MAKE TATTOO safety against Eyebrow? VIVAnews By Pipiet Tri Noorastuti, Lutfi Dwi Puji Astuti - Friday, November 5 YouTube - Many women rely on makeup to enhance her beauty. For those who are not adept at making faces as a 'canvas', permanent makeup or make-up tattoos are usually becomes an instant choice. Known as permanent makeup is the most popular micropigmentation diaplilasikan for eyebrows. People used to call it a tattoo eyebrows. In addition, there are also tattooed eyeliner and lip lines. It is very practical because it does not need to re-apply each time to travel. Makeup is able to stick in the face as desired for several months. Only, behind the practicality, there are adverse effects that threaten.
As quoted by page, several countries have issued strict rules about the use of make-up tattoos. "The application of permanent makeup can result in serious problems, long term," warned a safety watchdog delivered quality food products and medicines USA (FDA). Need a high level of vigilance before deciding to use make-up tattoos on the face. Many beauty services did not follow established procedures for use. Make sure you do it with your doctor trusted beauty. In the worst case, make-up tattoos can cause skin infections. Even infectious diseases, such as hepatitis. Allergic reactions to pigments are also potentially cause damage to the use of make-up tattoos in the long term without treatment.
Make-up tattoos are also not always show satisfactory results. Applications are not perfect can actually make you like a clown. Starting from the color and shape eyebrows look weird, seemed dirty eye line, lip line up to form the mess. Other threats also arise when deciding to discontinue the use of make-up tattoos. Not only expensive, permanently remove makeup can leave scarring that damages the aesthetic face. (Pet)
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Last edited by gitahafas on Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:32 pm; edited 1 time in total Back to top Go down View user's profile gitahafas Moderator Moderator

Number of posts: 11,011 Age: 52 Location: Jakarta Registration date: 2008-09-30

PostSubject: Re: Skin Health Tue Aug 31, 2010 8:23 pm 5 RISK tattooing the body Wednesday, 05/01/2011 | 18:22 PM - you are a fan of tattoos? If the art of body painting is one of your favorite, be sure to equip yourself with a variety of information around him. Moreover, if you are a beginner who want to dabble. Tattoos are permanent will exist forever in certain parts of your body that you want to paint a picture or word, symbol characters themselves. This option is entirely a personal right, but it could not hurt to understand well the risks. Tattoos can cause a skin infection or other complication. More specifically, this is the risk of tattoo:
* Allergies Colored tattoos, especially red, can cause allergic skin reactions in the form. In effect, the skin will feel itchy parts of your body tattooed. Allergies are not only coming shortly, but can last for years after your body tattooing.
* Infection Tattoos can lead to infection due to bacteria. The sign, redness, swelling, pain, and purulent.
* Other skin problems Bumps on the skin around the tattooed area, called granulomas, to be other problems that result from tattooing the body. Tattoos can also encourage the growth of keloid or extra skin tissue that grew in the scar.
* The disease is carried from the blood When tattooing, make sure the tool used sterile and hygienic. Risks that could arise when tattooing the body is a needle contaminated with infected blood diseases, such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, tetanus, and HIV.
* Complications MRI Tattoos can cause swelling or burning the skin when the owner of the tattoo underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MRI uses strong magnetic fields with computerized technology to produce detailed images of organs and soft tissues in the body. Tattoos are permanent on your body image can affect the results of this MRI examination.
All skin problems or illnesses because of the tattoo can be treated with care and special treatment. In fact, in some cases, the tattoo must be removed if you want to overcome health problems that interfere with this.
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Last edited by gitahafas on Thu January 8, 2011 10:46 pm; edited 3 times in total Back to top Go down View user's profile gitahafas Moderator Moderator

Number of posts: 11,011 Age: 52 Location: Jakarta Registration date: 2008-09-30

PostSubject: Re: Skin Health Tue Aug 31, 2010 8:25 pm HAPPENS TO BODY TATTOO AFTER YEARS OF stuck Friday, 04/29/2011 16:16 pm Vera Farah Bararah - detikHealth London, the decision to get a tattoo should have well-thought, because the art form is still very difficult to remove. So what happens if the tattoo has been stuck for years in the body? Tattooing is one form of art that will stick in the body of a person's lifetime. A new study reveals for the first time that the shape of the tattoo is going to get worse with age a person.
Ian Eames, a fluid mechanics researcher from University College London have created a mathematical model that can be used to predict the movement of tattoo ink particles from time to time and give a better idea of ​​designing. "Tattoos are very popular around the world, this study gives an idea of ​​how it chooses the image can look good for several years," Eames said, as quoted from, Friday (29/04/2011). "This type of skin, age, size of the tattoo, sun exposure and type of ink used can affect how the tattoo spreads from time to time," said Eames. Eames said that after years of sticking to the body then the tattoo will:
1. Tattoo inks are generally made of a suspension of particles that are soluble in water such as mercury, cadmium, lead and iron are injected under the skin to form an image by using a needle. With time and age, then the particles of the ink will spread.
2. Small detail of the tattoo will disappear first, then detail the thicker began to be affected. Although originally a tattoo looks good and understandable meaning, but after 15 years may be images that look will be different and may be more difficult to understand its meaning.
3. After years of color can fade or emerging fault lines of the drawing, and drawing tattoo will look weird when entering the age of an 50-year result was the appearance of wrinkles in the skin.
4. Other side effects may arise from tattooing is a risk of infection, such as the use of unsterilized needles or content of harmful substances from the ink used.
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Last edited by gitahafas on Fri June 11, 2011 12:35 pm; edited 3 times in total Back to top Go down View user's profile gitahafas Moderator Moderator

Number of posts: 11,011 Age: 52 Location: Jakarta Registration date: 2008-09-30

PostSubject: Re: Skin Health Tue Aug 31, 2010 8:26 pm TECHNIQUE TO REMOVE TATTOO OF LASER SKIN slicing Sunday, 24/04/2011 12:06 PM AN Uyung Pramudiarja - detikHealth Jakarta, Owner of permanent tattoos are generally aware that the 'painting' will be stuck to his skin a lifetime. But there is also a regret or less satisfied, and then want to delete it. The way of slicing the skin starts to use the laser. Generally eliminates the risk of tattoo is a scar, which is sometimes more disturbing than the appearance of the tattoo itself. Because it's for anyone who wants to get a tattoo, think really all the risks so as not to regret later. The technique removes tattoos and a variety of risks are as follows, as quoted by WebMD, DoctorOz and the BBC, Sunday (24/04/2011).
1. Dermabrasion The technique uses a type of sandpaper or a grain of sand to rub the outermost layer of skin to peel off. Tattoo ink lies below the layer is then scraped with a scalpel to live by a dermatologist. Although simple and relatively inexpensive, this method has the disadvantage that the pain is tremendous, especially if the size of the tattoo is large enough. This technique is the risk of causing injury, and often leave scars scar tissue that is more uninteresting than the tattoo itself.
2. Slicing the skin Another technique is quite easy though remains to be done by a doctor is slicing the skin there tattoonya. The risk of scarring in this technique is greater than dermabrasion, so it is only done on the type of tattoo that is not too large. Slicing the skin is only done on a large-sized tattoo if other techniques do not succeed in removing it. For example because the ink seep too deeply into the skin or the type of ink is difficult to remove by other means.
3. Cryotherapy Tattoos can also be removed using liquid nitrogen where the temperature is below freezing. Skin tissue fluid spilled it will freeze and shatter, then shed with tattoo ink on the layer underneath. The weakness of this technique called cryotherapy is triggered serious skin damage. Doctors can not destroy the tattoo ink that is located under the skin, without damaging the outer surface with liquid nitrogen just dripping on it.
4. Cream anti-tattoo Similar to cryotherapy, anti-tattoo creams also work by destroying the tattoo ink to be shed from the skin surface. Such creams generally contain a solution of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) which will react with the ink but it is safer for the skin. The disadvantage is nothing but the price is very expensive, which is about U.S. $ 100 or about USD 863 thousand for routine use for 2 months. In addition, its effectiveness is relatively low so that more appropriately called disguise tattoos and not guaranteed to be gone 100 percent.
5. Laser The most advanced technology to remove tattoos is a laser, which is quite effective and safest for the skin. The principle is to break down the ink particles on the bottom surface of the skin, that can be destroyed by the natural human immune system. Although safe, this technology is quite expensive and sometimes take longer to remove certain colors such as green, orange and white. Some people whose skin is sensitive wear sunscreen is also recommended after the procedure.
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Last edited by gitahafas on Fri June 11, 2011 12:36 pm; edited 3 times in total Back to top Go down View user's profile gitahafas Moderator Moderator

Number of posts: 11,011 Age: 52 Location: Jakarta Registration date: 2008-09-30

PostSubject: Re: Skin Health Tue Aug 31, 2010 8:31 pm DANGERS OF COSMETIC TATTOO THURSDAY, 3 MARCH 2011, 10:10 GMT Pipiet Tri Noorastuti, Febry Abbdinnah YouTube - Many women rely on makeup to disguise the lack of face. For those who are not adept at making faces as a 'canvas', cosmetic tattooing emerged as an instant alternative. Is it safe? As quoted from the pages of The New York Times, tattoo makeup on the face has the risk of greater health problems than tattoos on other body parts. The most popular complaint after cosmetic tattooing include dermatitis, keloids, skin blisters, scars and raised marks. In fact, a number of cosmetic tattoo connoisseurs claim to feel the skin burning.
Regardless of the levels of the chemical, cosmetic tattooing is also often led to health problems resulting from the use by those who have no special expertise. Permanent Cosmetic call data, 90 percent of its business is to correct mistakes made by the tattoos that people who are not trained. "You can get a tattoo machine and pewarnanya on eBay, then easily create a beauty clinic," said Dr. Charles Zwerling, an ophthalmologist and author of 'Micropigmentation Millennium'. "No one can guarantee whether the person is really an expert on facial tattoos or not."
Not a few cases of swelling in the face of the tattooed area. In fact, cosmetic tattooing has a risk of infections including HIV / AIDS, hepatitis, and inflammation caused by the use of sterile needles are not. There were also complaints of allergy to the dye used. Tattoos also known as micropigmentation, originally created to help people with alopecia. A condition that made him lose his hair and eyebrows. Development, the tattoo is used to help beautify the fire victims, cancer patients, and patients with Parkinson's.
As it grows, this method was used to cover the shortage of female face without the hassle of adding make-up. But it turns out, cosmetic tattooing is also has many shortcomings and even its own dangers that actually makes pencintanya sorry. Being beautiful is a choice. However, you must be wise not to bring up regrets later in life. If you want to tattooing the eyebrows, lips, or eyes, make sure the place you go is a place that already have permission and give you a health warranty.
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Last edited by gitahafas on Fri June 11, 2011 12:40 pm; edited 3 times in total Back to top Go down View user's profile gitahafas Moderator Moderator

Number of posts: 11,011 Age: 52 Location: Jakarta Registration date: 2008-09-30

PostSubject: Re: Skin Health Tue Oct 19, 2010 10:23 pm HEART HEART BIKIN tattoo! MORE COLORS CERTAIN DANGEROUS Monday, 21/02/2011 10:09 PM AN Uyung Pramudiarja - detikHealth Glasgow RangerGlasgow tattoo, tattoos make a haphazard result, a man in Glasgow Scotland have swollen spleen. According to doctors, the condition is triggered by the color of the ink it uses red, blue and black. If wear green, he is more secure. Male 23 years who was not named is a big fan of Glasgow Rangers football club, as to be willing to tattoo a picture of the club logo on chest. Incidentally, the dominant color on the Ranger logo is blue and red, with black as the frame.
Who would have thought, because tattoos are this man should be taken to a hospital for examination because of a swollen lymph glands in the armpits and groin. Its location is somewhat remote from the sculpted chest tattoo place so that no one expected the two are related. Initially doctors thought the swelling was due to cancer so that direct examination so that it can be anticipated as early as possible. At the hospital, the man who works as an amateur boxer was immediately advised to undergo blood tests.
But in the examination of blood cells, doctors found patches of pigment (dye) that contaminates the dark blood. Therefore doctors suspected, swelling occurs because the dye used in making tattoos in the form of Glasgow Rangers logo. This resulted in swelling of the spleen in immune function or decreased immune system so susceptible to disease. Because it reacts with certain dyes used in tattoos, these glands not be optimal in producing immune cells.
Rare cases are then studied by three hematologist in Scotland, namely Mike Leach, Robert Jackson and Edward J Fitzsimon. In a report in the British Journal of Haematology, all three concluded that the swelling was triggered by the dye black, green and red. "Incidentally, the city of Glasgow has two football clubs, Rangers and Celtic. The risk of swelling of the lymph glands in the Celtic supporters turned out to be lower because the team's logo is green," the researchers wrote in their report, as quoted by The Sun on Monday (21/02/2011 ).
These findings imply that the tattoos are made with green colors are safer from the risk of swelling of the lymph glands. But for the rabid supporters of Glasgow Rangers, green tattoos are identical with the club logo which is opposed to Celtic certainly not an attractive option.
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Last edited by gitahafas on Fri June 11, 2011 12:41 pm; edited 1 time in total Back to top Go down View user's profile gitahafas Moderator Moderator

Number of posts: 11,011 Age: 52 Location: Jakarta Registration date: 2008-09-30

PostSubject: Re: Skin Health Wed Oct 20, 2010 4:19 pm NOT FOR MEDICAL TATTOO STYLE GAYAAN Wednesday, 02/02/2011 16:01 pm Vera Farah Bararah - detikHealth Jakarta, During this tattoo is known as one art form to express something. But now that tattoos can also be used for medical benefit, known as medical tattooing. Tattooing is an art form inherent in the body forever, until now no single technique that can remove the tattoo completely. Although no cases of serious illness caused by tattooing someone, but there is risk of infection if the tools used are not sterile or ink containing hazardous materials.
But tattoos are used in the medical field has a goal to cure a disease or improve one's appearance, although it sometimes must be done in areas difficult. Tattoos are used in the medical field is not intended to meet the desires of someone who wants to have a tattoo on his body, but is a method of treatment of diseases with different goals and rules. This type of tattoo is especially practiced in the field of radiation cancer therapy. Generally, treatment for cancer that is prolonged for several months and the area to be irradiated will be marked with tattoos.
This method is best and can be relied upon to mark the areas affected by or infected and are being treated, so the doctors do not need to browse the entire area of ​​the body and help the oncologists to follow the appropriate treatment pathway. There was also a medical tattooing used for the purpose of reconstruction or known as a medical micropigmentation, a treatment which embed in the skin pigment. This type of medical tattooing is used for several purposes, as quoted from, Wednesday (02/02/2011), namely:
1. To disguise the scar tissue resulting from burns or trauma. 2. Do tattoos cleft lip surgery to restore and balance the next lip. 3. Patients who undergo breast surgery and requires a complex repair the nipple area. 4. To cope with hair loss or alopecia.
Tattoos for the purposes of this reconstruction is usually followed by treatment after surgery to help restore the appearance of skin is missing or damaged for the better. But the ink used for this type of tattoo will generally work better in people who have darker skin. Tattoos for the medical interests of these will be conducted by experts which had previously conducted a consultation to determine the characteristics of the patient's condition such as skin and also his lifestyle.
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Last edited by gitahafas on Fri June 11, 2011 12:42 pm; edited 1 time in total Back to top Go down View user's profile gitahafas Moderator Moderator

Number of posts: 11,011 Age: 52 Location: Jakarta Registration date: 2008-09-30

PostSubject: Re: Skin Health Thu Oct 21, 2010 1:57 pm EFFECT OF LIFESTYLE ON SKIN HEALTH Thursday, October 21, 2010, 12:29 GMT Petti Lubis, Mutia Nugraheni YouTube - skin condition not only depends on your skin type. But also how your lifestyle and your daily habits. Women who are always busy at work until midnight of different skin problems of the busy housewife at home. Learn about skin problems that often arise because of the lifestyle and how to overcome them.
- If you like parties Skin problem that often occurs is dry skin, chapped, visible facial lines and puffy eyes. That's because you're sleep deprived and often drinking alcohol and smoking. According to Sonia Badreshia-Bansal, a dermatologist from California, United States, for menngatasinya you must use a hypoallergenic cream as often as possible so as not to dry. Drink plenty of water and less coffee. Then, for puffy eyes, compressed, with a cool cucumber or tea bag.
- If you're a workaholic Acne is the most complaints by women workers who are always busy. This is often triggered by stress. "Stress is the originator of the hormone that makes the skin more oily and acne," said Carolyn Jacob, MD, a dermatologist from Chicago Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology, as quoted from the Self. Stress also makes the body more easily damaged cells and trigger premature wrinkles. To fix this you have to do is sleep enough. Also, always wash your face and when she reached home, do not sleep without cleansing your face. Dirty face that will make the acne condition worse.
- If you are a busy housewife Skin problems that often appear in the housewife is a smudge of black and dull skin. That's because while accompanying children to play outside the home or pick them up, you often forget or do not have time to use an SPF moisturizer or cream. Any direct sunlight shining on the skin and cause blemishes and dull impressed. For that use a moisturizer every day and use a cream that contains SPF 30, if you will a lot outside the home with the little guy. Also, use creams that contain vitamin A and alpha hydroxy, to slow aging.
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Number of posts: 11,011 Age: 52 Location: Jakarta Registration date: 2008-09-30

PostSubject: Re: Skin Health Sat November 1, 2010 3:56 pm SIGN IN DETECTION OF SKIN DISEASES Friday, 13/08/2010 12:46 PM AN Uyung Pramudiarja - detikHealth Jakarta, skin disease is one of the worst disasters for which prioritizes appearance. But for health practitioners, the appearance of the skin disease could be useful in detecting the presence of more severe disease. "Skin conditions are always reflect everything that happens in the body," said Dr. Jeffrey Dover, an associate professor of dermatology at Yale School of Medicine. Some skin conditions are referred to by Dr. Jeffrey quoted from AOL Health, Friday (13/08/2010), is as follows.
Butterfly-shaped rash on the face Blushing does not always signify someone sdang blushed. If often appears at the base of the nose and around the cheeks, rash could indicate an autoimmune disease lupus, especially if accompanied by fatigue, weakness and joint pain.
Itching all over body When not accompanied by bumps, bumps, rashes or eczema, itching that occurs throughout the body can show symptoms of lymphoma (cancer of the lymph nodes), kidney or liver disorders. If the itch is not lost for days, it is advisable to immediately consult in order to prevent the possibility of the disease.
Psoriasis Skin disorder characterized by patches of white or reddish in the hands, knees and elbows are very disturbing because the itch and often cause embarrassment for the infected.
But to worry not only that, because often this disease is also accompanied other, more serious complications. Among heart disease and diabetes.
Spider-vein Dilation of blood vessels that form a circle centered like a spider's web is often experienced by pregnant women. But if they appear very much or size is not fair, spider-vein may indicate a chronic liver disease, especially if it appears in the neck, face and arms.
Pimple One of hormonal disorders that can cause uncontrollable acne is a disease policystic ovary. Other symptoms that accompany this disease other than acne is often missed a period, obesity and hair growth in face of excessive fine.
Wart The emergence of one or two warts in the same time can still be considered normal, but should be aware if a dozen warts appear simultaneously or at least, close. These symptoms often indicate the presence of cancer in the body, especially in the breast, colon and lung.
Rashes on the hands and face Reddish rash that appears in large quantities in the face and hands (especially the backs of the hands, between your fingers and knuckles) is a classic symptom that indicates the presence of cancer. Symptoms are usually called dermatomyositis accompanied by a sense of lack of passion and the overall weakening of muscles.
Hand skin hardens The loss of elasticity of the skin of the hands or called scloderma often be a clue to figure out a problem with the kidneys, lungs and throat. Scloderma occurs because the blood flow in the hand is reduced, so the skin and fingers hardened and became like claws.
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Last edited by gitahafas on Thu January 8, 2011 10:47 pm; edited 1 time in total Back to top Go down View user's profile gitahafas Moderator Moderator

Number of posts: 11,011 Age: 52 Location: Jakarta Registration date: 2008-09-30

PostSubject: Re: Skin Health Fri November 2, 2010 9:58 pm "BLOOD SWEET" HARD recovered? Tuesday, 11.02.2010 | 09:24 pm - "Many people say sweet blood of my blood, Why, if hard to heal wounds and scars are also hard to lose. As I recall, this has happened since I was little. Is it true that blood is blood classified as cute? How can I not sweet blood again so that the wounds and scars can heal faster and recover or do I have to wear a particular skin cream? " (Helena, Jakarta)
According Riani Susanto, ND, CT, naturopathy and detoxification specialist doctors from the Clinic Harmony Zone, if the skin and scars hard missing injured, was caused by dry skin conditions. Moist skin needs oil and water. Oil is useful to lubricate the skin surface, while the water to hydrate via the blood. If the water inside the cell is maintained, the skin will look healthy and youthful.
Less moisture conditions, initially caused by malnutrition or nutritional composition that is not appropriate, such as lack of vitamins A and B. It could also be due to lack of sunlight, subject to the effects of chemicals in cosmetics, as well as the use of soap and bath are not suitable. There are two types of dry skin, dry skin that is simple and complex. Simple dry skin, caused by a lack of oil content and usually occur in women under age 35. While the complex due to shortage of oil and water as well. The signs are starting dull skin, wrinkles, dry, and spots arising.
To fix this, take vitamins A and E for at least 3 months, increase intake of fruits and vegetables that contain beta-carotene, bananas, eggs, asparagus, garlic, and onions. Plus, drinking enough water and often. Evening primrose oil to drink at night, aloe vera juice mixed with carrot, purple, regular carrots, pineapple and papaya. For treatment outside, wear a type of paraben free soap or organic soap. Add to the use of water based body lotion and keep the paraben free, and organic and natural. That need to be avoided is the drinks and sugary foods, foods from flour, fried foods, soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages

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